Matching Policy and Resources: A PNSR Issue Brief. Available for download

August 27, 2009 in News, Report by admin

As PNSR’s report, Forging a New Shield, states, the U.S. national security system must improve at “linking resources to goals through national security mission-based analysis and budgeting.” As part of the organization’s ongoing analysis, PNSR’s team of resource experts, led by Michael Leonard and Steve Johnson, have submitted an issue brief.

You can download the brief here

From the brief:

Starting in the early 1990s, and especially since 2001, the rising complexity of potential threats and the importance of interagency cooperation in accomplishing national security missions have revealed systemic weaknesses. Some of the more serious such problems are related to national strategy development and aligning resources with strategy, which implies cross-agency resource allocation.

Resource reform is critical if we want our national security system to address complex security threats and major emergencies effectively. National security priorities and the budget should be linked so that policymakers can make decisions across the whole of the national security system. Ultimately, relevant portions of individual agency budget requests should be integrated into a national security budget display that is based on high-level strategy and missions.