Case Studies


Richard Weitz, Working Group Leader
Dylan Lee Lehrke, Chief of Staff
Christine Gilbert, Senior Analyst
Elizabeth Zolotukhina, Head Editor

Case Study Authors

Aaron Mannes, University of Maryland, The Vice President and Foreign Policy: From “the most insignificant office” to Gore as Russia Czar

Alex Douville, Iran-Contra Affair

Alexander von Rosenbach, North Korea’s Nuclear Programs and American Policy Formation

Allison Bukowski, The 1998 Bombings of the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania: The Failure to Prevent and Effectively Respond to an Act of Terrorism

Aref N. Hassan, The Reagan Administration’s Response to the Crisis in Lebanon

Brett Swaney, Reaction to Sputnik under the Eisenhower Administration

Carlene Gong, U.S. Interagency Response to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

Carnes Lord, Naval War College, Public Diplomacy and Psychological Operations (Cold War)

Carolyn R. Schintzius, Reversing the Revolution: U.S. Intervention in Guatemala in 1954

Celina B. Realuyo and Michael B. Kraft, U.S. Interagency Efforts to Combat International Terrorism Through Foreign Capacity Building Programs

Christine Gilbert, The Kennedy Administration and American Military Assistance to Laos; The Interagency, Eisenhower, and the House of Saud

Christopher D. Mallard, The Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization (S/CRS), NSPD 44, DOD Directive 3000.05

Christopher J. Lamb with Alexandra A. Singer, Countering Terrorist Financing

Christopher J. Lamb with Nicholas J. Moon, Somalia: Did Leaders or the System Fail?

Daniel Gibbons, The Andean Initiative and the Transnational Social Contract, 1989-1994

Daniel R. Langberg, Human Trafficking in the 21st Century

David Kobayashi, Integrating Civilian and Military Efforts in Provincial Reconstruction Teams

David Wrathall, U.S. Response to Humanitarian Disaster: Hurricane Mitch in Central America

Dennis Barlow, America’s Rejection of the Ottawa Treaty

Devin J. Lynch, HIV/AIDS Mitigation Efforts in Africa and U.S. National Security Policy: An Analysis of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

Don Rassler, Balancing Democracy Promotion and the Global War on Terror in Pakistan

Dwight A. Ink, 1964 Alaskan Earthquake

Dylan Lee Lehrke, The 1970s Energy Crisis and National Energy Policy Creation; The Banality of the Interagency: U.S. Inaction in the Rwanda Genocide

Edmund LaCour, The Bush Administration’s Democracy Promotion Efforts in Egypt

Edward A. Corcoran, U.S. Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy Meets the Pakistani Weapons Program

Elin Gursky and Sweta Batni, Failures at the Nexus of Health and Homeland Security: The 2007 Andrew Speaker Case

Erin C. Hoffman, U.S. Response to the 2001 Anthrax Incidents

Evan Minsberg, U.S.Central Asian Engagement

Henrik Bliddal, The 2003 U.S. Intervention in Liberia

Hsueh-Ting Wu, Brinkmanship in the Straits: The 1995-1996 China-Taiwan Missile Crisis

The Jessica D. Tacka, Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Irina Ghaplanyan, U.S. Strategy in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Jamie Boulding, Countering Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions, 2002-2008

Jay Bachar, The Carter Administration and the Iranian Hostage Crisis Rescue Mission

Jesse Paul Lehrke, Losing Iran: The Accidental Abandonment of an Ally through Interagency Failure

Jessie Daniels, Pre-9/11 Intelligence and the Creation of the Director of National Intelligence; The U.S. Role in the Northern Ireland Peace Process

John Shortal, Center of Military History, Response to Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919

Joseph J. Collins, Choosing War: An Analysis of the Decision to Invade Iraq

Joseph Washecheck, Operation Urgent Fury: The 1983 U.S. Intervention in Grenada

Juliana Geran Pilon and Nicholas J. Cull, The Crisis in U.S. Public Diplomacy: The Demise of USIA

Justin Logan, U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Middle East after 9/11

Kimberly Nastasi Klein, Establishing U.S. Africa Command

Marianna I. Gurtovnik, The Suez Crisis: Fighting the Cold War in the Middle East

Matthew Korade, The Counternarcotics Effort in Afghanistan

Matthew P. Jennings, SALT I: A Lesson in Security Policy

Michelle Van Cleave, The NCIX and the National Counterintelligence Mission

Panayotis A. Yannakogeorgos, Promises and Pitfalls of the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace

Patrick Mendis and Leah Green, U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement

Paul Delventhal, U.S. Counter-Terrorism Operations in Somalia and the Horn of Africa, Post-2001

Peter F. Schaefer and P. Clayton Schaefer, Japan after WWII

Rebecca White, The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Close Call Avoided by Successful Strategizing

Richard Chasdi, An Analysis of Counterterror Practice Failure: The Case of the Fadlallah Assassination Attempt

Richard W. Stewart, Center of Military History, CORDS and the Vietnam Experience

Richard Weitz, East Timor, 1999; Managing U.S.-China Crises

Rozlyn Engel, The Asian Financial Crisis: Managing Complex Threats to Global Economic Stability

Ryan Arant, Building and Maintaining the Gulf War Coalition

Sebastian Lederer, The Berlin Blockade: A First Test for the National Security Act

Sheila Ronis, Future Defense Industry Scenario

Taylor V. Smith, Bay of Pigs Debacle: Failed Interaction of the Intelligence Community and the Executive

Thomas Dybicz, “Improvising Furiously”: The Effort to Train Iraq’s Police

Tianchi Wu, Global Warming and National Security

Todd Lorimor, The Role of the National Security Adviser and NSC in the Establishment of Relations with the People’s Republic of China

Tristan Abbey, The 2002 Coup Attempt against Hugo Chavez

Vicki J. Rast and Dylan Lee Lehrke, Interagency Paralysis: Stagnation in Bosnia and Kosovo

William K. Warriner, Civil-Military Coordination and the 1994 Intervention in Haiti